Most of us Christians believe that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. And the Bible also is very clear that humans didn't appear until 6,000 years ago. We see Evolution and the Big Bang as hoaxes. By the way, Charles Darwin never confirmed his theory of Evolution.
However, there also are Christians that believe that the earth was created way earlier. Isn't that against the Bible. Actually, not really. Here is what Dr. Max D. Younce says:
"The Young Earth advocates want you to disregard the Hebrew and other Scriptures that expose their philosophy. They surely do not want you to be aware of the marking in the Masoretic Text at the end of Genesis 1:1, indicating the proper translation of the disjunctive “BUT” instead of the conjunctive (or connecting) “AND.” In the manuscript the reading would be:
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. BUT (Hebrew “waw”) the earth was (became) without form, and void;”
“Was.” The Hebrew for “was” is “hayah.” It is important to distinguish whether the verb “was” is in the manuscript, or if it has been inserted by the translators. It is wonderful that the King James translators made this distinction. When “was” appears not italicized, that indicates it is in the Masoretic Text. When you see “was” italicized, it indicates it does not appear in the manuscripts, but is understood. This is very important to notice when reading your King James Translation which makes this distinction. In Genesis 1:2 where the verb “was” appears twice: first, as part of the Masoretic"
This theory is called the "Gap theory". I am very neutral on that subject. Most Christians definitely reject it. Even those that believe in the existance of dinosaurs. Here two statements of Dr. Kent Hovind of Creation Science Evangelism:
"- Reptiles never stop growing, so before the Flood came, when the reptiles lived to be 900 years old, they would get to be really big. Dinosaurs were just big lizards that lived with Adam and Eve before the Flood came.
- Why hasn't there been a Christian response to this dinosaur stuff? What the Christian did in the 1800's is they compromised their Bible. They invented the "Gap Theory" to accommodate the dinosaurs. They let Satan have the dinosaurs; that is what happened."
I honestly disagree. Why should dinosaurs have lived together with humans? There is no evidence in the Bible for dinosaurs.
Howevers, this also does not mean there was no dinosaurs at all. Archeology and Science should not contradict with the Bible. That's why the Gap makes sense.
You also find out that the serpant, who tricked Adam and Eve, was Satan (Revelation 20:2). Satan was usually the angel Lucifer, who got kicked out of heaven, as you can find out in Isaiah 14. That was a long time ago. So, in this case the Gap makes sense.