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Is entertainment wrong?

Well, the answer is yes and no. Addiction always is a sin, we are not to be conformed with the world (Romans 12:2), however, not...

What does it mean to be worldly?

This video explains it very well: You are not worldly if you do stuff of the world. You are worldy if you love the world. Simple as that.

What is the future of this website?

Sadly I do not know. I no longer have passion. Also, stumbled over James 3:1. While this Epistle is written to the twelve tribes, it can...

R.I.P. Chuck Missler

On May 1, 2018 we lost brother Chuck Missler at the age of 83. He spent the last years of his life in New Zealand. See you after the...

False teachers: GotQuestions

It hurts me to say this, but the famous website perverts the plan of salvation. I'll explain why. Repentance Here is...

The enemies of OSAS

Many think that the teaching of "once saved, always saved" gave a free pass to sin. Nothing could be further from the truth, brethren. We...

About Billy Graham

One of the most famous preachers died three days: Billy Graham. However, I doubt that he was really saved. The reason was the doctrine he...

Just As I Am

Yeah, I love this hymn! Here in the version of Johnny Cash. Johnny Cash also was a devout Baptist who trusted in Christ. Lately I have...

My testimony

Hello there. I am going to tell about how I found to Jesus. First off, I was born on June 19, 1997 in Freising, Bavaria, Germany. I was...

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